About me

Hi! I'm a Full Stack Developer from South Korea, currently based in Cyprus.

I enjoy thinking about business problems and bringing customer value through creative solutions.

What I'm Learning

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    React JS

    I am working on a few personal projects to learn React, Context API, and Redux.

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    Currently building UI components @aymolive in Typescript & React

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    Ruby on Rails

    As my first and only server side framework so far, I have been learning how to create more complex database structures with nested resources. I have also been learning how to build APIs and have built one during my internship.

  • Agile Development

    At my previous software engineering internship at AllotMe, I designed, tested, and built products with my team the Agile Way, in 2 week sprints.

  • Test driven development

    I have started writing some tests for personal projects with rSpec for Ruby on Rails, and other javascript testing frameworks such as Jest. I would like to learn how to write clean, maintainable and more robust code.



  1. Frontend Developer Intern @aymolive 🎵

    Dec 2022 - current

    Working with a remote team at an early-stage music streaming startup based in Croatia. Creating UI Components in React JS ( Typescript, styled-components, Material UI..)

  2. Software Engineering Intern @AllotMe🌱

    Aug 2022 - Sep 2022 ( 2 months )

    Worked with a fully remote team at an early-stage urban agriculture startup based in the U.K. Contributing to the core products using Ruby on Rails, Svelte and ReactJS.

  3. Software Marketing Intern @ Cirrus Logistics Ltd (Koerber Logistics)

    Apr 2018 - Sep 2019

    Cirrus Logistics is a B2B Supply Chain Solutions company based in the UK. Researched and Wrote blog articles for the company blog. Conducted Market Research and Benchmarking Analyses for the products.


  1. Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp

    LeWagon Coding Bootcamp, Tokyo- Japan Sep 2019 - Nov 2019

  2. MSc. Supply Chain and Lean Management

    Toulouse Business School & IMT Ecole des Mines Albi, France 2016 - 2017

    Double Degree in awarded by top engineering & business schools.

    - Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), PMI

    - Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), APICS

    - Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, AGILEA

    - Certified Demand Driven Planning (CDDP), ISCEA

  3. BA Accounting and Finance (Hons)

    Durham University, U.K. 2013 - 2016

    First Class Degree/ GPA 3.6+

My skills


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